Friday, April 28, 2023

The Scariest School ("Lifeboat" Adaption)


I stand in the courtyard

Of a scary, lonely school, 

Hidden in the crowds of critics

With nowhere to run.

The scariest school

And the students I know.

Loud, rude, and terrifying

The people smell desperate for attention.

They'll do anything

To make their friends amused.

Chaos breaks out every minute

And we must sacrifice someone,

The scariest school

And the students I know.

Everyone is pushing, 

Everyone is screaming.

Fights are approaching rapidly

There is nowhere to hide.

If I say the wrong thing,

Or I wear the wrong outfit,

They will shove it right down my throat

And never let me forget.

The smart girl is choking

On her blood and her tears

And all of her flaws,

And the pretty girl is laughing,

The nicest sound one has ever head

Recording for everyone to see

Everyone will forget her,

But the girl in the video will be made fun of


Well, whose fault was that?

The teachers sigh,

Turning their noses up

At every inconvenience.

Still, the weakest must go

It's an every-man-for-himself world

Kindness is the key (to getting you killed)

The scariest school

And the students I know.

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