Friday, May 19, 2023

Our Secret Garden ("Blueming" Adaption)


When I texted you, "Hey,"

I really meant, "Text me more, I miss you."

In each picture I send and every text I type,

My feelings are displayed a little more in some subtle way. I wonder if you notice.

"No, I'm not busy, there's nothing going on in my life."

"I'm not asleep, my insomnia has been acting up."

I cancel my plans and stay up late just for you.

I'm thinking about you, too.

Our messages are in bloom, sprouting faster than your typical seedlings.

I'm making lush red roses blossom with my thumbs.

I think I'm getting high off the scent of those flowers, they smell so strongly of love.

It's our own secret garden.

I feel like my heart is in bloom.

I'm sending you one more message, one more flower.

Updating you about every little thing I do

The subject of this interesting piece of work, that's you.

Maybe this is the climax of the relationship, although that would be sad since it hasn't really started.

Before we forget about each other over the summer, this is good timing.

I know you feel the same as me, please realize I like you, too.

Don't be so careful with your words, just reply with what you want to say.

I wish I could see your face when I send

My stupid jokes and compliments.

Our bubbles are red and blue,

I'm making word balloons with my thumbs; they fill up the sky.

I feel like I'm going to pop into a million pieces.

My breath is quickening, I'm getting dizzy with all this not knowing.

I feel blue.

I'm filling another balloon with our special helium and freeing it into the sky.


A thousand roses, make them bloom with me please.

Let's color the flowers however we want

So it's beautiful even when they're long since dead.

Please let us bloom.

I'm sending you another flower now.

One ("0X1=LOVESONG" Adaption)


I know I love you.

In this world made of twos,

You are my one and only.

In this infinitely mysterious darkness,

You light up a path for me.

It seems that from my fingertips,

Everything runs so far away.

My life before you was a mess,

I couldn't win this stupid game of love.


From this pit of loneliness,

You're the only piece of glimmering gold, one.

Now I can't stop thinking about you

Whenever I'm falling into that pit all over again.

Angel, who one day appeared in my life,

Take me home with you and make it all better.

I know you're real, this feeling.

I'm full of problems, I'm lovesick,

Nowhere for me to cry.

I used to be fine with the thought of dying.

I'm a loser in this game, I don't know how to follow

The only rule here, to not be alone. One,

Save me,

Grab my hand and pull me up.

Please use me like a drug.

I know I love you.

Say you love me

Until the end of the world and after.

Everything or nothing, I want all of you.

All or nothing, we complete each other.

I'm not going to make it.

I won't be able to get into heaven when I die, I won't be with you forever.

There isn't a spot for as flawed a person as me.

No place for me in your heart, either.

At the tips of my toes,

Everything turns pitch black, trying to trip me back into that pit.

My life before you was trashy.

There was no point in waking up if I had no light.


In this cold and frozen world,

You're the only fire to keep me warm.


I can't stop thinking about you now,

Even though I'm sinking, alone.

The hole in my heart begins to close itself,

Frigid air starts to warm.

In this world of twos,

I found warmth in your love.

Take all of me.

I need you.

Say you love me.

I know I love you.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Boy and His Piano ("First Love" Adaption)


In the corner of his memory,

A gleaming black piano settled on one side.

In the corner of his childhood bedroom,

A tacky orange keyboard settled on one side.

His mom remembers that keyboard, it once belonged to her,

A little before he first learned to play songs from his favorite video games.

The plastic keyboard that would help him become a musician,

He looked up to it, he yearned for a real one

When he touched the broken keys with his tiny chubby finger.

"I feel so good, Mom. I feel so nice!"

He played the piano whenever his hands took him to that corner.

He didn't know its significance back then;

Back then, he was happy with just looking at it.

His sister remembers back during their elementary school days,

When his sweet old grandmother

Bought him a real piano.

The little boy would play and play

Until his fingers trembled and his family begged for silence.

He loved that piano with all of his heart

Until he had to move away.

He neglected it when he once yearned so strongly to play.

On top of the yellowish, faded tiles,

Dust was piling on in little mountains.

The piano's image had then been neglected.

Even then, the boy didn't know

Of the instrument's significance.

No matter where he was after he had moved,

He always defended that piano,

Even though he was unsure of when he would return home.

The piano sang out one last time, "Don't leave like this."

The boy said, "Don't worry. Even if I leave,

You'll do great on your own.

I remember when I first met you,

Before we knew it, I had grown up.

Though we are parting ways,

Don't ever feel sorry for me.

I'll meet you again, no matter how I do.

Greet me happily when that time comes."

The boy returns eventually, a geeky teen, uncomfortable with himself.

He remembers back then, when he first laid eyes on the piano,

Which was once gleaming and polished and now chipped and forgotten,

That he had completely forgotten how small the bench was, barely holding him up.

The awkwardness of playing was only for a moment. He touched the aged keys again.

Even though he was gone for a long time, his fingers fell perfectly onto the black and white tiles.

Without repulsion,

The piano accepted him, humming beautiful notes in sync with his fingers.

Without the instrument, the boy had felt alone.

Now at home, he felt rejuvenated and played long into the night.

After the dawn, the two of them,

They welcomed the morning together.

Rejoiced by the boy's return, the piano sang out, "I'll never let go of your hand!"

"I won't let go of you, either," he cried.

He often thinks about those years, though he is now an adult with a wife, kids, and responsibilities.

He had burned up the last of his teenage years sitting on the bench in front of the piano,

Wearing its strings down until it was out of tune.

Yes, the days when he didn't have time to look for colleges. He was too busy looking at his sheet music.

He laughed as he danced on the keys, he cried as he tapped the pedals.

Those days spent with his piano, his best friend, those moments are now in memories.

Weak, grasping his aching shoulder,

He said, "I really can't play anymore."

Every time he wanted to give up,

By his side the piano sang,

"Yes you can, you can really do it."

The man remembers back then, when he was fed up and lost.

Back then, when he fell into a pit of depression.

Even when he pushed everything away,

Even when he resented the sound of the keys being played,

The instrument stayed firmly by his side.

It didn't have to make any noise.

"So don't ever let go of my hand,

I won't let you go ever again either.

my birth and the end of my life,

You will be there to watch over it all."

The corner of my memory,

A gleaming black piano settled on one side.

In the corner of my childhood house,

A tack orange keyboard settled on one side.

A Window To Your Brain ("Your Eyes Tell" Adaption)


Why am I crying?

Please stay by my side and make things better.

A future without you is like a world without its lively color,

Filled with a blank and depressing coldness.

Even the nothingness we see is beautiful.

Please give me your trust.

Looking directly at you with all of my attention,

So you don't disappear.

Whatever tries to stop us

Look ahead, not back.

The safe space you provide me is still

Where my heart beats the fastest.

Glimpses of the past haunt me like nightmares,

Yet the more I try to run and struggle, the faster they chase

But I still want to hold onto that feeling, wherever you are, I'll call it home.

Here's to a tomorrow of us.

Even if the world is ending,

I'll call your name

So you're the last thing I see.

Your gentle eyes are so full of color.

I'll give my everything to you, though you are my everything.

Still speechless,

The hopeless dream in my heart is bound to come true.

To have to face the past and the future,

How much hope is needed to get through the present?

It's nights like these where I just lay here thinking

In the city at dusk.

To be loved.

To love someone.

I'll become your set of eyes

For the troubles that lie ahead.

Your gentle eyes are so full of color.

You wisely taught me

That someday sadness

Will bring us together again.

Your eyes, they tell.

They're a window

To your brain.

Hide and Seek ("Bad Liar" Adaption)


I was walking down the street the other day,

Trying to distract myself from my brain,

But then I saw you

Or is that someone else?

Trying to act more mysterious,

Trying to make the paranoia disappear

But just like the love,

There's nothing subtle here.

In my room, there's a bed,

Emptier than it used to be.

If you want you can rent my apartment.

I can't say no,

Even when I'm in full control.

You're taking up a huge fraction of my head.

Every time I watch you,

I'm trying

Not to think about you.

I'm trying

Not to give in to your games.

With my feelings so obvious,

I guess I'm bad at hiding them.

Ready or not, here you come!

I see how I gain your attention over time

It's like looking into a mirror

Your touch is like a drug to me

But still, all we do is wait for each other to make the first move.

What could possibly happen if the other said no?

Can we focus on the love?

Envelope your heart with my hands.

If you're the match, I'm the fuse.

And let's make

Reality a real reality,


Thursday, May 11, 2023



What does pretty actually mean?

Everywhere I go,

The beauty standard is

Something different.

It's not a standard anymore,

It's a noose,

A leash that keeps you

In other people's control.

Who cares what other people think?

I do. And I'm sure you do, too.

You can deny it all you want, but you

Know that deep down,

Your entire life revolves around

Other people's opinions.

So what is pretty?

You can't be overweight,

Not by a single ounce.

If your stomach isn't cutting board thin,

You're fat. You're disgusting. You're a whale.

No growing body hair either!

Who cares if it's natural?

Who cares if it's "normal?"

If you're not a guy,

You can't do it. Buy yourself a razor from

Your local Walgreens

And get to chopping, furball!

You're in for a two hour shower,

An everything shower,

A wash all your flaws down the drain shower.

And look at those nails, your short, grimy nails.

Go spend 200 of your own dollars

To please another person

Because you aren't allowed to have gross hands.

People pay attention to those.

And don't wear acrylics,

You poor skank,

Get them professionally done.

Sucks if you can't afford that.

Keep up with the trends!

You can't keep your scrunchie on your wrist, that's so 2020.

You have to wear low-rise this and crop topped that,

But don't wear it if you're fat.

Nobody wants to see Shamu

In a miniskirt.

Have a big butt, but you need a skinny waist.

So what if that's abnormal?

Get. It. Done.

Don't get plastic surgery, though!

That makes you fake,

And Barbie's panties

Were never meant to come off.

By the way, makeup? Is a no,

So cancel your Sephora subscription

And all of that other junk

Because men only like "natural beauty."

But apparently, they don't like it enough

To accept the natural faults

That come with it.

Make it make sense,

But do it yourself.

It's an every woman for herself world here.

Girls support girls is fake

The minute you turn your back.

Now that I think about it,

You can't be confident either.

That makes you full of yourself

And nobody likes an independent woman

That can detect manipulation.

Don't smile too hard.

Your teeth are beige yellow, like a camel's stomach.

I could fit the entire Golden Gate Bridge

In the gap between your front teeth.

Buy braces,

But don't be surprised

When boys start calling you names

Like "zipper mouth."

Throw away all of your insecurities,

But keep them in the back of your mind

At the same time.

You can't be pretty

And you never will be pretty

Because you don't even know what that word means.

Merriam Webster can't help you define this word.

Only the people around you can

And I can assure you,

They do not think you're pretty.

Rainy Days

The raindrops fall from up above the world,

As I sit and watch the sky from below.

The sound of water droplets on the roof,

A melody that's rhythmic and soft.

The sky is gray, the air is cool,

And everything is slightly wet.

And somehow, in this gloomy world,

I find a sense of calm.

The streets are empty, the world is still,

And all the chaos has washed away.

I'm lost in thought, lost in the sound

Of clouds crying their hearts out.

So let the rain come pouring down,

And wash away the world we know.

For in this quiet, rainy world,

I find a sense of peace.

Our Secret Garden ("Blueming" Adaption)

  When I texted you, "Hey," I really meant, "Text me more, I miss you." In each picture I send and every text I type, My...